Who We Are
Who We Are?
TSS is the UK’s largest retail specialist security company, employing over 6500+ security personnel. Founded in 1989, we have always remained true to our core purpose – delivering the best service, while taking care of our people who in turn take care of our clients.
Over time we’ve diversified our business and taken an innovative and original approach to meeting our customer’s needs. Now, we are a national provider of security services working in partnership with a range of customers, from blue chip to smaller organisations, and we always deliver quality and a customer-focused approach.

What Defines TSS?
At TSS, we have key characteristics that define us from our competitors:
Future Vision
By keeping one eye on the future in a dynamic market place with constantly changing external factors we ensure that our service offerings remain current and relevant.
Risk Solutions
Through risk assessment we are able to recommend the optimum balance between technical and physical investments to mitigate risks.
We use technology to compliment our traditional physical security services. This enable us to fill the gaps and risks that traditional solutions overlooked.
Collaborative Approach
We pride ourselves on being our customer’s supplier of choice for security services based on a partnership approach to service delivery. This ensures synergies can be realised and additional value can be derived.
People are at the heart of our offering. Ensuring that we train them on compliance, regulation and best practice enhances the quality of service delivered.
Business Structure
We have a tried and trusted business structure in place to support operations on the frontline as well as administration and management information required to deliver quality of service.
Corporate Social Responsibility
TSS recognises that as a responsible Corporate Citizen our responsibilities extend further than the boundaries of the organization. Therefore we aim to make a positive contribution to society as a whole on a number of levels.
Our People at the Core of What We Do
Recruitment & Vetting
Our thorough recruitment process ensures that every member of our team can deliver their role and uphold the company image and values, whilst maintaining the gold standard in security. We also complete vetting to the British Standard 7858.
Development & Training
We believe that employee development is one of the most important elements for employee satisfaction and retention. We are accredited by Edexcel and SFJ to deliver certificated courses. Beyond this we also deliver bespoke client-focused courses through our e-learning platform.
Engagement & Recognition
To improve our overall working culture we use our employee portal, intranet and unified communication systems to ensure staff are informed and engaged at all times. We have multiple channels in place to recognise success and when our employees go the extra mile to deliver exceptional service.
Want to learn more about TSS?
Get in Touch
If you’d like to find out more about our services and how we might be able to help you, get in touch with TSS today!
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